Trekking Woman Pants - Nunatak

Quick-drying Trekking pants, with spandex with ripstop

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US$ 100.-

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Trekking Woman Pants - Nunatak


Spandex with mini ripstop. Fast dry.

Its quality is that of 4 ways stretch; This means that it stretches on all 4 sides, making the pants very comfortable in your movements.
Ideal for trekking, hiking, mountaineering, horseback riding, rock climbing, and all kinds of outdoor activities... although many of us use them in an urban way, they are super comfortable!

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A Nunatak (Inuktitut: solitary peak [nunattak]) is a mountain peak that is surrounded by an ice field; the term has been used in western European languages ??since the 1880s.

They are often used as reference points in the middle of a large expanse of ice. Frequently expeditions are temporarily based there or permanent bases are built; For example, the Argentinean Antarctic base Belgrano II is located on the Nunatak Bertrab.
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