Tour of the Calchaquies Valleys - Route 40 - Mountain Bike - Salta

Calchaquies Valleys, along the artisan´s route - the wine route - route 40.

  • Start Date : 2024-Oct-28
    End Date: 2024-Nov-02
  • Hora Inicio: 9 am
    Hora Fin: 10 am
  • Meeting Point:Salta City
    End point: Salta City
  • Duration:7 days + trip
    Availability: 15 spots
US$ 715 US$ 580.- 19 % Off

Special price booking until 09 de August!

Tour of the Calchaquies Valleys - Route 40 - Mountain Bike - Salta


Salta - Cuesta del Obispo - Piedra del Molino - Los Cardones National Park - Recta del Tim Tim - Cachi - Route 40 - Paths of the Artisans + Seclantas - Molinos- Wine Route - Angastaco - Cafayate - Quebrada de las Conchas - Salta

  • ALTIMETRY: we will start from 3348 masl descending to 1600 masl.
  • DAYS OF PEDALING: 6 days.
  • KMS IN TOTAL: 270Km.



Meeting in Salta City . We carry out a warm-up output of 20k to adjust the bikes (optional). Meeting time at the hostel approx 14 hrs. We go out pedaling 16 hrs.

  • Overnight: Hostel
  • Distance: 20km. [100% asphalt]

Departure from Salta 10 am, we head towards El Carril (Valle de Lerma), we enter by the route, which goes to Quebrada del río Escoipe (1,940 meters) and Cuesta del Obispo to Piedra del Molino (3348 masl), highest altitude point of our trip. Snacks, mates and we assemble our bikes .Our  first day pedaling is almost all downhill through provincial route 33 till the beginning of Recta del Tin Tin (built by the Incas), we go across Los Cardones National Park,  and keep going downhill to Payogasto, where we are having lunch in its quiet main "plaza" (park) in front of the local church. A little further on we reach Cachi (2531masl) where we will spend the night. Dinner.

  • Overnight: Hotel
  • Distance: 55 km [100% asphalt]
  • Meters Downhill: 817 m

After breakfast we take route 40, we turn aside to visit the CAMINO DE LOS ARTESANOS, keep going to Seclantas where we´ll visit the picturesque town. Lunch. Then we start cycling again til we reach Molinos, a mountain town founded in the 17th century, located in a privileged area of the valleys; In the tour we will  visit the village of La Paya, El Colte. (According to our arrival time we can visit the Colome Winery)

  • Overnight: Lodging.
  • Distance: 50 km. [100% gravel and dirt]

After breakfast, we cycle towards Angastaco through the mythical route 40, the road transits along  the Calchaquí river, under the attentive look of one of the Great Argentinian Summits, Nevado de Cachi, 6380 masl.

Angastaco is located in the heart of the mountains, in a valley, furrowed by the homonym river, which crosses next to the town after being born in Pucará, pouring its waters later into the Calchaquí River. The contrast between the intense green of the crops and the sandy soil of the valleys is striking. Since the mid XVIII century, the indigenous nations settled in Angastaco town depended on the Franciscan Mission of Rosario de Calchaquí, located in San Isidro area, near Cafayate. (Depending on our arrival time we can visit the Cese Winery).

  • Overnight: Hosteria/lodge
  • Distance: 35 km. [100% gravel and dirt]
  • Downhill: 200 m

We have breakfast in the gallery of the lodging, and after loading everything in the support vehicle, we start to pedal in one of the most impressive scenarios of national bicycle touring: La Quebrada de las Flechas, where the mountain formations create narrow gorges, with 20 mts high walls on the side of the road. Lunch, and we continue until we arrive at the town of San Carlos, where we´ll have the last18km of asphalt bordering vineyards, until we reach Cafayate 1695 masl. Farewell Dinner (although we still have one more pedaling day).

  • Overnight: Hosteria/lodge
  • Distance: 80 km. [85% dirt, 15% asphalt]
  • Downhill: 100 m

The last day will take us to visit one of the most representative landscapes of the Calchaquies Valleys, La Quebrada de las Conchas with its impressive formations. We´ll visit the Amphitheater and our tour will end with Lunch at the Devil's Throat. Transfer to Salta.

  • Overnight: Hostel
  • Distance: 50 km. [100% asphalt]
  • Uphill: 100 m

Breakfast. End of our servces.


Is a demanding journey that requires physical fitness of its members. You must have a bicycle in good conditions, with basic elements listed below.

Group: 8 participants minimum. Special dates on request for groups. 


This journey has an INTERMEDIATE level of difficulty: With a medium physical requirement (an average of 50 kilometers per day is pedaled), and the technical level is low. Pedaling along consolidated gravel roads in most of the route and asphalt with moderate slopes.

Included Services
  • Permanent coordination (previously relieved way)
  • Rescue guide WFR (first aid medicine).
  • Support vehicle and mechanical assistance all over the trip.
  • Hostel accommodation, hostels and hotels according to place from day 1 to day 6.
  • Spare Bike
  • Crockery and all the elements for road meals.
  • All meals from lunch in Piedra del Molino (day 2), to the farewell dinner in cafayate (day 6).
  • Energetic snacks for the road (fruits, nougats, bars etc).
  • Equipment VHF and cell phone for emergencies.
  • Integral advice.
  • Free Verification of the mechanical condition of the Mountain Bike.
  • Personal Accidents Insurance.
  • Light mechanical assistance.
  • Mountain Bike Transfer - Salta - Piedra del Molino / Garganta del Diablo - Salta.
  • Participants Transfer - Salta - Piedra del Molino / Garganta del Diablo - Salta.

Services NOT included
  • Round trip to Salta
  • MTB Transfer origin city / Salta
  • Spare parts. Extras needed.
  • MTB insurance.
  • Provision of bicycle.
  • Luggage or bicycles Insurance in regular transport.
  • Drinks
  • Lunches and Dinners in the city of Salta.

Photo and Video Gallery

Where do you sleep

Day 1: Overnight at Hosteria in Salta.
Day 2: Overnight at Hosteria in Cachi
Day 3: Overnight at Hosteria in Molinos.
Day 4: Overnight at Hosteria in Angastaco.
Day 5: Overnight Hotel with pool in Cafayate.
Day 6: Overnight at a hostel in Salta.


How many kilometres do we ride per day?

We pedal an average of 50 km per day ,from 10am to 5pm. We will stop for hydration, to take pictures, lunch and to visit interesting places while we cross.

Do we ride with a backpack or saddlebag?

We ride without saddlebags. If possible, without a backpack. Your personal belongings will travel in the support vehicle.

Is it possible to ride with a bicycle that is not MTB?

Because of the terrain geography, we do not recommend it. The bicycle we recommend for the trip is a Mountain Bike, minimum 21 gears, with front cushioning, good quality and in good condition.

Can I rent a bicycle ? I have an MTB but it is not so good.

We do not recommend it, we request to bring your own bicycle, the same you work out with.

 It is also important that you are comfortable and that you know your bike. In case of contacting us, tell us your experience and training. If you do not have a MTB bike or it is diffcult for you for  travel reasons, we can evaluate the rent of a bicycle.

How do I transfer the bike to San Martin de los Andes?
  • CAR: If you travel by car to San Martin.
  • BUS: You must pack it and send it to San Martin de los Andes. You should check with the bus company if you can travel with your bike in the bus or if you should send it before hand.
  • PLANE (Recommended): If you need advice, consult us. You should put protections inside the box. A good recommendation is to store inside clothes, sleeping bag, etc. so that your bike can travel as protected as possible. Keep in mind that you should not pay extra for carrying the bike, since it is considered sports equipment. It is within 15kg that can be carried of luggage per person. Take into account  that as carry-on luggage ,you can also carry 5kg.
What happens if I get tired and I can not continue?

The entire journey is accompanied by a support vehicle. In case of getting tired or if injured, we can carry your bike and continue in the vehicle.

What happens if my bike breaks?

Our support vehicle is equipped with tools and materials to fix your bike. In case it can not be repaired, we have a spare bicycle to replace your damaged one.

Difficulty graduation

MountainBike: Desnivel / Duración de la Jornada.

Exigencia Física

Técnico: Dificultad en el Terreno / Equipo.

Fortaleza Psicológica

Exposición a la Altura

MountainBike (B)

It is defined in relation to the pedaling time in each day, the terrain to travel, the experience necessary to make the crossings of several days, taking into account the unevenness that we will have to face.

20% 1 day / no unevenness in flat areas / asphalt and gravel.

40% 2 or 3 days / with little unevenness. Crossings in the province of bs as or missions / asphalt and gravel.

60% 4 or 5 days / uneven. Travesias en el norte, Patagonía / asphalt and gravel.

80% 5 or 6 days / uneven. Travesías Sierras, Camino de Santiago / Path, asphalt, gravel.

100% + than 5 days / with large slopes. Crossings in the Cordillera Central / Trail, asphalt, gravel.

Physical (F)

Physical demand to wear that we can suffer both aerobic (climbs = possible shortness of breath) and muscle (resistance = many hours pedaling), legs (descents = back / knees) and accumulated days of pedaling.

20% 2 to 4 hours pedaling on the flat or with little unevenness (1 day)

40% 4 to 6 hours of pedaling on the flat or with little unevenness (1 or 2 days)

60% 3 to 5 hours pedaling up to 250mtrs of positive difference - 4 days.

80% 4 to 6 hours of pedaling up to 500mtrs of positive slope - 5 days.

100% 5 to 8 hours of pedaling, + 500mtrs of positive slope, + 6 days.


The technical difficulty is mainly based on the terrain. And in the ability to face a steep slope (up or down).

20% We travel flat terrain: asphalt and gravel.

40% Routes with moderate ascents and descents: asphalt and gravel.

60% Mixed terrain, with steeper ascents. We can walk on trails.

80% Mixed terrain, trails. Steep descents and ascents.

100% Very technical terrain. Very steep descents and climbs by sections.

Psycho (P)

We maintain that this point, the psychological factor, represents a relevant factor. Each one needs a factor of conviction, confidence, self-control and will power to achieve a goal. And depending on the attitude with which we face distances, slopes, terrain and many other objective factors, we can achieve performance with very different results.

20% We will not be much affected.

40% This is a normal level of attention.

60% We require more motivation, enthusiasm and concentration.

80% The activity will require us to be very connected and convinced.

100% Maximum control and emotional-psychological performance.

Adventures (A)

It is the factor that, the height above sea level, influences us depending on the activity we carry out. Managing and overcoming symptoms caused by altitude is the key to this point

0% + sea level.

20% Up to 2000 masl.

40% + 2000 masl.

60% + 4000 masl.

80% + 5000 masl.

100% + 6000 masl.

Gradual Adventure Activity Difficulty System designed by Leandro Scheurle.
Copyright © 2009. All rights reserved.

Required equipment

  •  MTB bicycle in good condition (Check bicycle; it must be in optimal conditions. Check brakes).
  • Helmet (MANDATORY)
  • Gloves
  • 2 spare inner tubes.
  • 1 fuse
  • Inflator suitable for your bike.
  • Forks inflator (if required)
  • Front and rear lights. Spare batteries.
  • Refractory front and rear.

Note: The repair equipment, such as tools, material for puncture repair, chain cutter, links spare part, and other materials will be in charge of our company.

  • Sun hat - Multifunction scarf , Buff.
  • Sunglasses with UV protection
  • Short or long leggings with pad
  • T-shirts made of synthetic material (dry fit type) for pedaling.
  • Windprof jacket
  • Sneakers for pedaling
  • 2 short sleeves  T-shirts
  • Underwear.
  • Thermal underwear.
  • Comfortable shoes to be in the camp.
  • Socks
  • Warm gloves
  • Long sleeve shirt x 1
  • Long trousers x 1
  • Extra coat 
  • Swimming wear (to bathe in the hot springs or rivers)
  • 2 coats (Polyester fleece)
  • Warm hat 
  • Jacket or duvet vest (optional)
  • Waterproof jacket of outer layer (ultrex or gore tex or similar would be ideal) - in case of not having, complement a windbreaker with a plastic layer.
  • Passport, ID card, ID.
  • Medical insurance
  • Medical and personal information completed, authorization.
  • FRONTAL flashlight with batteries (spare batteries).
  • Heavy-duty large plastic bags for storing clothes.
  • Sun glasses. (IMPORTANT)
  • Personal first-aid kit (medication with the relevant recipe).
  • Sunscreen, Lip balm (factor 30 or more)
  • Soap, shampoo (boy) and small towel.
  • Toilet paper. Scarves Baby wipes.
  • Repellent for insects.
  • 1 or 2 Caramañolas - optional Camelback, Nalgene or similar.
OPTIONAL, not mandatory (see space and weight)
  • SILVER TAPE tape, for blisters and repairs.
  • Steel thermos
  • Mini - sewing kit
  • Monocle. Photographic or video equipment
  • Book, notebook, travel diary, pencil, pen.
  • Penknife
  • Some drink / dessert to share in the camp.

Rental Equipment

Trekking sleeping bag

Booking in Advance

US$ 16 + options

Pair of Trekking Poles

Booking in Advance

US$ 10 + options

Rental mittens

Booking in Advance

US$ 8 + options

Pair of Crampons

Booking in Advance

US$ 15 + options

Rental : helmet, crampons and ice ax

Booking in Advance

US$ 36 + options

Combo Top: helmet, crampons, ice ax and full harness

Booking in Advance

US$ 50 + options

Category 3 sunglasses - Shepra Julbo Spectrom

Booking in Advance

US$ 5 + options

Backpack for trekking and mountaineering - Woman

Booking in Advance

US$ 10 + options

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Contact and Enquiries

RECOMMENDATION: Due to excessive security policies of, our responses will arrive at Junk Mail or maybe they will not arrive. We suggest using other accounts (NOT Hotmail) or get in contact with 54 9 1124012278
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