Inca Trail Qhapaq Ñan - Trekking Pascha - Silla del Inca - Path of the Clouds, Salta

One of the most important routes in northern Argentina

  • Start Date : Request!
  • Hora Inicio: 7am
    Hora Fin: 6pm
  • Meeting Point:Salta
    End point: Salta
  • Duration:5 days + trip
    Availability: 9 spots
Trekking of the Clouds - Salta



Expedition with a backpack on the shoulder, in the crossing mode (joining two different points of a region). The overnight stays, in wild areas, are in tents (occasionally in schools or churches, depending on the town that is visited). Carrying equipment on horseback and mules.


What we present here is the route planned for the crossing, but the exact route, the duration of each stage of the march and the choice of alternative itineraries are subject to different factors such as weather conditions and group evaluation by the guide.

We recommend sleeping the day before in Salta for preparations, last equipment checks and meeting with the guides. Night not included in accommodation in Salta (recommended hostel).

Day 1: Transfer from Salta to Lampasar, Quebrada del Toro. First section of the route ascending the slopes and valleys to the north. We'll cross high passes at more than 3,500 masl to finally reach the small town of Pascha with its little school and church. Rest and overnight.

  • Start Trek: 2480 masl
  • End Trek: 3400 masl
  • Distance: 20 Km
  • Duration: 8/9 hours

Day 2: We enjoy the morning touring Pascha and its beautiful views. Then we'll have a 3-hour stretch to the ruins of the Sillón del Inca, an archaeological site that was once part of the Inca empire, all in descent. Final trek to Berta's Post. Overnight.

  • Start Trek: 3400 masl
  • End Trek: 3320 masl
  • Distance: 12 Km
  • Duration: 6/7 hours

Day 3: On this day, the path will take us above 3,000 meters. At 3,410 meters in the Abra de la Cruz, here one of the most spectacular views of the trip will be revealed. From this point, well above the clouds, you can see the entire Lerma Valley and Salta city. Then the trail descends to the place of our second camp. It takes place in the company of local people who have their agricultural production post. Here we can share experiences and learn about the lifestyle of the current inhabitants of the area. Overnight.

  • Start Trek: 3320 masl
  • End Trek: 2890 masl
  • Distance: 10 Km
  • Duration: 5/6 hours

Day 4: Now the trail takes us closer and closer to the typical humid zone of the Yunga forest. We leave our camp and began to descend. The views here are completely different from what we were used to from the previous two days. The trail continues in slight descent until it reaches the point where two mountain rivers converge (Confluencia). We continue upriver and then we enter the Yunga. Here we have a slight ascent first and something more intense towards the end of the hike. Camp.

  • Start Trek: 2890 masl
  • End Trek: 2280 masl
  • Distance: 12 Km
  • Duration: 6/7 hours

Day 5: We begin the last day of our tour, already immersed in the Yunga of Salta. The path will take us along charming landscapes, towards Salta. Walking on the edge of the mountain, we'll enjoy the flora and fauna typical of the region, in contact every few kilometers with current inhabitants who work their livestock in these inhospitable places. The last part of the tour will take us to the foot of the city of Salta, in Quebrada de San Lorenzo. We'll share some drinks when we arrive at the Quebrada, to finish the trip, returning in our transfer to the accommodation in Salta. End of the program.

  • Start Trek: 2280 masl
  • End Trek: 1550 masl
  • Distance: 18 Km
  • Duration: 8/9 hours

Trekking of the Clouds - El Qhapaq Ñan, the route of the Incas

Backbone of the political and economic power of the Tawantisuyo -the Inca empire- the road network of the Tahuantinsuyo, or the Qhapaq Ñan (in Quechua = path of the King or of the powerful) was a network of roads of more than 30,000 kilometers long that connected production, administrative and ceremonial centers. Recently declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, the Qhapaq Ñan (in Quechua, “main road”) today crosses six Andean countries. Starting from Peru to the south, it covers part of the territories of Bolivia, Argentina and Chile and to the north, those of Ecuador and Colombia. These roads allow us to trace the footprint left behind by the Andean peoples, their armies and priests, their merchants and caravans of llamas that transported merchandise. In the north of Argentina, one of the sections of the Qhpaq Ñan is the one we make on this journey, in the Quebrada del Toro area, Salta.

It is a journey on foot, backpack on the shoulder, through ancestral trails, slopes covered with cardones, communities nestled in the mountains, terraced crops and deep valleys. The Pascha community lives in these places, the simplicity of its people and the imposing landscapes make this experience unforgettable. The circuit begins in the puna, on the way to San Antonio de los Cobres, where the horizon becomes infinite. Our adventure ends in the alder forests of the greenest part of Salta, after having crossed mountain ranges of 4000 meters. with valleys, streams, communities, hamlets and old-fashioned posts that transport us back in time.

Included Services
  • Internal transfers from Salta (starting and ending place of the trekking)
  • Full board, non-a la carte menu, from lunch on day 1 to lunch on day 5. (4 daily meals: breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner). - Includes snacks.
  • Carrying equipment with horses and mules. Baqueanos
  • Wild camps and accommodation in towns (schools, churches, etc., depending on the population we visit)
  • Tents
  • General camping logistics (pots, heaters, security elements, orientation).
  • Guides and permanent coordination.
  • Assistance before and during the hike.

Services NOT included
  • Accommodation in Salta (ask us for info or reservations)
  • meals on Salta
  • trip to Salta

Photo and Video Gallery

Where do you sleep

in igloo tents, in wild camps, next to local stalls, in the mountains.




How many hours do we walk per day?

In general we have a system of walking 3 or 4 hours in the morning; We make a great lunch stop and walk the same in the afternoon to the place where we set up camp.

What temperatures do we have to endure?

The north of Argentina is characterized by having an important thermal amplitude (heat during the day and cool at night and early morning). There is also the so-called "Bolivian Winter". This means that in our summer (December to March) there is the rainy season. In our winter it does not rain but the thermal amplitude is noticeable a little more and the cold in the nights and early mornings can be felt, especially in the high camps (at more than 2500 meters above sea level) as two of this route.
You have to protect yourself a lot from the sun with a hat-cap, neck scarves, sunscreen and mountain sunglasses. And for the night it is important to have a good sleeping bag and shelter since the temperature can drop to less than 0 ° Celsius (32 fahrenheit).

What sleeping bag should I bring?

The sleeping bags or bags must be able to withstand a temperature of 0 °C (32F°) Comfort, so as to be able to have a good rest. The duvet-goose down material is the best, but the synthetics nowadays also have modern and high-performance materials. (Ask us about rental).

Is there something you can tell me about the group? How many are we, ages, etc.?

In general these are very heterogeneous groups (all kinds of people). Varied ages and genders, people traveling alone, accompanied by a friend, couples, families, etc.

What physical condition must I have to be able to carry out this type of crossing?

It is not decisive that you are an updated athlete and that you train 4 times a week. But it is important that you know that the better physically you are, the better it will always be. The idea of ??these adventures is that you can enjoy it and not suffer it. If you do not usually train, go for a run, bike or other aerobic activity, we recommend that you attend some class of our weekly trainings associated with mountain activities. And you start by going for a walk with a backpack loaded of no less than 8 kilograms and do several kilometers per week and also go up and down stairs or slopes in series of 20 uninterrupted minutes. Ask us for a suitable training plan.

I understand that the tents are shared, right? Do I need to bring one?

The tents are included in the program, by our company. But if you want to bring one, you can do it. Just ask us.

What do we eat?

In all our expeditions we offer the service of meals IN FULL BOARD PLAN.

  • Marching lunches (cold meals): Milanesa and tomato sandwiches, cold cuts, snacks, salads, tapas, etc.
  • Dinners: Vegetable-bacon-red chorizo ??stews, Chicken and vegetable casseroles, Pasta with various sauces or stew, Roast meat (Chivito), Chaw Fan, Chicken with rice in the saucepan ...
  • Breakfasts and snacks: Tea, Coffee, Cappuccino, Mate Cooked, Mate, Milk powder; bread, cookies, jam, honey, dulce de leche; cereals, fruits

Difficulty graduation

Mochila: Peso / Duración de la Jornada.

Exigencia Física

Técnico: Dificultad en el Terreno / Equipo.

Fortaleza Psicológica

Exposición a la Altura

Backpack (M)

This point has to do with the weight that we must carry in our backpacks. Trekkings or crossings where we have pack animals allow us to bear less weight on our backs. And the multi-day journeys in Patagonia (without the option of having pack mules) generally make us carry more weight, especially in the early days.

20% Up to 5 Kilos: Short excursion walks / Trekking Talampaya

40% Up to 8/10 Kilos: Round-trip trekking / Vallecitos 3 and 4-day programs

60% Up to 12/15 kilos: Crossing trekking with porting / Crossing of the Andes Paso Portillo

80% More than 15/18 kilos: Cross-country trekkings with little or no portage / Trekkings in Patagonia (Paso Vuriloche, PN Lanin or Nahuel Huapi, etc)

100% More than 25 Kilos: With a lot of equipment on top and little or no porting / Continental Ice

Physical (F)

We consider physical demands to the wear that we can suffer both aerobic (climbs = possible shortness of breath) and muscle (resistance = many hours walking) and of legs and joints (descents = knees / ankles).

20% half a day or less with little unevenness.

40% more sustained slopes and longer days in the activity. 2-3 days / more than 6 hours per day.

60% Long ascents and descents with a longer duration. Ascents to more than 4000 meters in the central mountain range / intense 4-day trekking (Uruguayan plane)

80% Important work of legs in resistance. Very long days. Very long day ascents (Lanin - Domuyo) or more than 5000 meters. Ice courses.

100% Maximum demand. Aerobic work and constant effort on legs. Continental Ice, Aconcagua, mountains of more than 6000 meters.

Technical (T)

The technical difficulty is mainly based on the terrain. How much can it cost us to climb a slope, if it is very steep or if we have to use our hands in some section (simple climbing), both in rock and snow-ice, or materials such as crampons and pegs in other ascents.

20% flat land

40% trails with moderate ups and downs. General crossing trekkings . Sierra de la Ventana, Córdoba, Patagonia, Cuyo, north, others. Classic ascents

60% Steeper slopes and trails. Possible use of crampons. Domuyo, Cordón del Plata, Cordillera Central.

80% Mixed terrain, with snow or ice. Alvear, Lanin, Tronador. Bolivia, Peru.

100% Highly technical terrain. Glacial transit and climbing in sections. Hill climbing with sections on slopes of more than 60 ° inclination

Psycho (P)

We maintain that this point, the psychological factor, represents a relevant factor. Each one needs a factor of conviction, confidence, self-control and will power to achieve a goal. And depending on the attitude with which we face distances, slopes, terrain and many other objective factors, we can achieve performance with very different results.

20% We will not be much affected.

40% This is a normal level of attention.

60% We require more motivation, enthusiasm and concentration.

80% The activity will require us to be very connected and convinced.

100% Maximum control and emotional-psychological performance.

Adventures (A)

It is the factor that, the height above sea level, influences us depending on the activity we carry out. Managing and overcoming symptoms caused by altitude is the key to this point

0% + sea level.

20% Up to 2000 masl.

40% + 2000 masl.

60% + 4000 masl.

80% + 5000 masl.

100% + 6000 masl.

Gradual Adventure Activity Difficulty System designed by Leandro Scheurle.
Copyright © 2009. All rights reserved.

Required equipment


Special backpack for trekking (65 to 85 liters)
Warm sleeping bag (minimum –10 degrees of comfort) (eg 700gms or 1 Kg of feather or good synthetic).
Insulating mat (10 to 15mm).
Trekking poles


1 Trekking boots
1 second lightweight trekking shoe


A couple of changes of underwear
Several pairs of trekking socks (some may be first-skin-inner-fine)
1 pair of wool socks (for sleeping)
2 Polypropylene T-shirts (dry fit type) or similar (not cotton) for walking
1 thermal type long sleeve t-shirt
warm under trousers  (type leggings or long johns) 
Trekking pants. Lightweight-fast drying
2 intermediate outerwear (long-sleeved polars)
Warm hat (polar or synthetic wool)
Sun hat (with flaps)
Warm gloves
Waterproof-windproof jacket (ultrex or gore tex or similar)


Passport, ID, DNI.
Medical insurance, social work.
Complete medical and personal file


FRONT flashlight with batteries (spare batteries).
Sturdy plastic bags for storing clothes.
Personal dishes (plate, jug and cutlery).


Sunglasses with category 4 uv protection. (IMPORTANT)
Personal first-aid kit (medication with the pertinent prescription).
Sunscreen, Lip balm
Soap, shampoo (small to share) and small towel.
Toilet paper. Handkerchiefs Baby wipes.
Water containers for at least 2 liters (can be plastic bottle), Camelback, Nalgene or similar

OPTIONAL, not mandatory (check space and weight)

SILVER TAPE tape, for blisters and repairs.
Mate, bombilla and yerba.
Steel thermos.
Water purification tablets.
Mini - sewing box.
Largavista, monocle. Photographic or video equipment.
Book, notebook, travel diary, pencil, pen.
Games; playing cards, dice, etc
Warm jacket

Rental Equipment

Trekking sleeping bag

Booking in Advance

US$ 16 + options

Pair of Trekking Poles

Booking in Advance

US$ 10 + options

Rental mittens

Booking in Advance

US$ 8 + options

Pair of Crampons

Booking in Advance

US$ 15 + options

Rental : helmet, crampons and ice ax

Booking in Advance

US$ 36 + options

Combo Top: helmet, crampons, ice ax and full harness

Booking in Advance

US$ 50 + options

Category 3 sunglasses - Shepra Julbo Spectrom

Booking in Advance

US$ 5 + options

Backpack for trekking and mountaineering - Woman

Booking in Advance

US$ 10 + options

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