Itinerary: Otamendi - Ciervo de los Pantanos National Park - Circuit of the rafts - Recreation Blondeau - Nueva Esperanza, Recreation the sky, Otamendi. We will cross the Paraná de las Palmas River, the Arroyo las Piedras and Canal Alem on rafts in order to reach the old Recreo Blondeau. Round trip along paths adjacent to the routes. 56 km. With optional extra 14kms to Heaven for those who still feel like it. Total 70km.
Tour known for the presence of characteristic fauna of the Paraná delta area.
Endangered protected species include the straight-billed pajonalera, the dwarf espartillero and the blackish burrito; and the swamp deer.
The 4 Crossings of Delta Rafts
20% 1 day / no unevenness in flat areas / asphalt and gravel.
40% 2 or 3 days / with little unevenness. Crossings in the province of bs as or missions / asphalt and gravel.
60% 4 or 5 days / uneven. Travesias en el norte, Patagonía / asphalt and gravel.
80% 5 or 6 days / uneven. Travesías Sierras, Camino de Santiago / Path, asphalt, gravel.
100% + than 5 days / with large slopes. Crossings in the Cordillera Central / Trail, asphalt, gravel.
20% 2 to 4 hours pedaling on the flat or with little unevenness (1 day)
40% 4 to 6 hours of pedaling on the flat or with little unevenness (1 or 2 days)
60% 3 to 5 hours pedaling up to 250mtrs of positive difference - 4 days.
80% 4 to 6 hours of pedaling up to 500mtrs of positive slope - 5 days.
100% 5 to 8 hours of pedaling, + 500mtrs of positive slope, + 6 days.
20% We travel flat terrain: asphalt and gravel.
40% Routes with moderate ascents and descents: asphalt and gravel.
60% Mixed terrain, with steeper ascents. We can walk on trails.
80% Mixed terrain, trails. Steep descents and ascents.
100% Very technical terrain. Very steep descents and climbs by sections.
20% We will not be much affected.
40% This is a normal level of attention.
60% We require more motivation, enthusiasm and concentration.
80% The activity will require us to be very connected and convinced.
100% Maximum control and emotional-psychological performance.
0% + sea level.
20% Up to 2000 masl.
40% + 2000 masl.
60% + 4000 masl.
80% + 5000 masl.
100% + 6000 masl.
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